Mac 版 Microsoft
  1. Mac 版 Microsoft Word
  2. Mac 版 Microsoft Account
  1. Chromium版「Microsoft Edge」のデフォルト検索エンジンをGoogleに変更することはできるが、新しいタブで画面中央に表示される検索ボックスは、Googleに変更することができない。「シンプル」、「イメージ」、「ニュース」のいずれかを選んでも、検索ボックスを.
  2. Office for Mac と Office 365 の組み合わせが持つ機能と柔軟性を活用すると、ほぼどこからでも作業をこなすことができます。自分にぴったりの Office を見つけましょう。.

Microsoft Office Mac 破解版是一款 Mac Office 办公软件。包含了 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNote 等组件,本站提供 Office Mac 破解版下载,Office Mac 安装破解激活教程;. 20年以上の歴史ではじめて、Microsoft OfficeのWindows版のソースコードとMac版のソースコード、iOS版、Android版のソースコードが一本化されたと、マイクロソフトのプリンシパルソフトウェアエンジニアであるErik.

开发人员社区 系统要求 兼容性 可分发代码 Xamarin 博客 维护 Developer Community System Requirements Compatibility Distributable Code Xamarin Blogs Servicing

单击按钮下载最新版 Visual Studio 2017 for Mac。Click the button to download the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 for Mac.有关设置和安装的说明,请参阅设置并安装 Visual Studio for Mac 文档。For instructions on setup and install, see the Setup and Install Visual Studio for Mac documentation.

若要了解 Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 的详细信息,请参阅 Mac 系统要求和 Mac 平台目标及兼容性。To learn more about Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, see Mac System Requirements and Mac Platform Targeting and Compatibility.

要详细了解其他相关下载,请参阅下载页。To learn more about other related downloads, see the Downloads page.

7.8 版中的新增功能What's New in 7.8

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8 发行Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8 Releases

  • 2019 年 5 月 13 日 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8.4May 13, 2019 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8.4
  • 2019 年 3 月 12 日 - Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8.3March 12, 2019 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8.3
  • 2019 年 2 月 28 日 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8.2February 28, 2019 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8.2
  • 2019 年 2 月 22 日 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8.1February 22, 2019 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8.1
  • 2019 年 2 月 20 日 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8February 20, 2019 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8

版本主要变化Release Highlights

此版本侧重于通过 bug 修复、性能改进和可靠性改进来提高 Visual Studio for Mac 的质量。This release focuses on improving the quality in Visual Studio for Mac through bug fixes, performance improvements, and reliability improvements.

I am planning to achieve this using the 'OneDrive Files on-Demand' feature. Microsoft picture it download for mac. I am assuming thatonce a new.jpeg file is uploaded to the Pictures folder (in OneDrive), I need to right-click the OneDrive folder in my Finder and select 'Free up space'.(3) If I succeed in (1) and (2) I finally want to make sure that the 'Pictures' folder is also backed up from OneDrive to an external hard drive using the sync feature in OneDrive.

另外还将 NuGet 更新到了 4.8 版,将 .NET Core SDK 更新到 2.1.504 版,以及将 .NET Core Runtime 更新到 2.1.8 版We also updated the version of NuGet to 4.8, .NET Core SDK to 2.1.504, and .NET Core Runtime 2.1.8

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 7.8 ( Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8 (

发布时间:2019 年 2 月 20 日 released February 20, 2019


  • 已修复问题:用于“删除未使用”和“排序” (usings) 的自定义键绑定不起作用 。We fixed an issue where custom key bindings for Remove Unused and Sort (Usings) don't work.
  • 已修复问题:从应用程序切换并返回时,焦点无法位于编辑器的正确位置。We fixed an issue where switching from the application and returning, does not focus on the editor correctly.
  • 已修复问题:切换应用程序时,编辑器窗口中的游标丢失。We fixed an issue where the cursor in editor window is lost when switching applications.
  • 已修复问题:焦点离开/进入 Visual Studio 时会更改用户界面上默认拥有焦点的元素。We fixed an issue where focusing out/into Visual Studio changes the default focused element on the UI.
  • 已修复问题:Visual Studio for Mac 无法跟踪某些文件夹中文件的更改。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac would fail to track file changes for files in certain folders.
  • 修复了 Visual Studio for Mac 记不住打开的文件这一问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac doesn't remember opened files.
  • 修复了生成配置的工具栏选择器被禁用的问题。We fixed an issue where the Toolbar selector for build configuration is disabled.
  • 修复了向项目添加新文件夹时不能即时重命名的问题。We fixed an issue where adding a new folder to a project does not allow instant renaming.
  • 修复了在“启动但不调试”后使用“启动调试”导致 ASP.Net 项目出现异常的问题 。We fixed an issue where Start Debugging after Start without Debugging results in an exception for ASP.Net projects.
  • 修复了生成输出搜索方面的性能问题。We fixed a performance issue with build output search.
  • “解决方案资源管理器” 上的“运行项” 命令已重命名为“运行项目” 。The Run Item command on the Solution Explorer has been renamed to Run Project.
  • 修复了从查找器中加载解决方案时显示欢迎页的问题。We fixed an issue where the welcome page is shown when loading a solution from finder.

.NET Core.NET Core

  • 已更新到 .NET Core 2.1.8 以包括安全更新。We updated to .NET Core 2.1.8 to include a security update.
  • 已修复问题:the create button doesn't create new project for .NET Core 3.0 preview 2(“创建”按钮不为 .NET Core 3.0 预览 2 创建新项目)。We fixed an issue where the create button doesn't create new project for .NET Core 3.0 preview 2.
  • 已修复问题:.NET Core 3.0 can be selected in the New Project dialog when it is not supported(不受支持时可以在新项目对话框中选择“.NET Core 3.0”)。We fixed an issue where .NET Core 3.0 can be selected in the New Project dialog when it is not supported.
  • 从 .NET Core 项目中删除了 VB.NET 选项。We removed the VB.NET option from .NET Core projects.


  • 已修复问题:文件夹配置文件创建时使用的是“默认”配置而不是“发布”配置。We fixed an issue where the Folder profile would be created with 'Default' configuration instead of 'Release'.

Web 工具Web Tools

  • 已修复问题:“发布到 Azure”创建了名称错误的配置文件 。We fixed an issue where Publish to Azure creates a profile with the wrong name.
  • 已修复问题:应用程序自变量不传递到 Azure Functions 主机。We fixed an issue where application arguments are not passed to the Azure Functions host.
  • 额外添加了以下 Azure Functions 模板We added the following additional Azure Functions templates
    • CosmosDB 触发器CosmosDB trigger
    • EventHub 触发器EventHub trigger
    • IoT 中心触发器IoT Hub trigger
    • SendGrid 触发器SendGrid trigger
    • ServiceBus 队列触发器ServiceBus Queue trigger
    • ServiceBus 主题触发器ServiceBus Topic trigger
  • 修复了无法发布到 Azure API 应用实例的问题。We fixed an issue where it was not possible to publish to Azure API App instances.


  • 已更新 Xamarin Test Cloud 代理 NuGet 版本。We updated the Xamarin Test Cloud agent NuGet version.
  • 修复了 .NET Core 项目中出现“查看存档”命令的问题。We fixed an issue where the View Archives command would appear in .NET Core projects.


  • FontFamily 的 Xamarin.Forms XAML 文件中的 IntelliSense 现已推出。IntelliSense in Xamarin.Forms XAML files for FontFamily is now available.


  • 修复了工具箱回归了 Android 设计器的使用的问题。We fixed an issue where the toolbox regressed Android designer usage.
  • 已修复问题:尝试在搜索控件后将控件从工具箱拖放到 iOS 故事板时不起作用。We fixed an issue when attempting to drag and drop controls to iOS storyboards from the Tool Box after searching for controls does not work.


  • 已修复问题:JDK 通知显示在欢迎页面上,即使对于非 Android 项目也是如此。We fixed an issue where the JDK notification was shown on the welcome page, even for non-Android projects.
  • 修复了启动未安装任何 Java 的 Visual Studio for Mac 时显示两次“安装 Java”系统提示这一问题。We fixed an issue where launching Visual Studio for Mac without any Java installed shows 2 system prompts to install Java.
  • 已修复问题:生成的同时可能会 进行 Android 资源更新,从而可能导致生成问题。We fixed an issue where the Android resource update could occur at the same time as a build which could then cause build issues.
  • 修复了 Visual Studio for Mac 未能将 APK 上传到 Acer Chromebook R11 的问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac would fail to upload APK to Acer Chromebook R11.
  • 修复了新 Android 应用的包名称中包含大写字母的问题。We fixed an issue where new Android apps have uppercase letters in the package name.
  • 修复了当 AndroidUseLatestPlatformSDK 为 true 时,提示“你的项目不引用 ‘Mono.Android.Version=v8.1’”的问题。We fixed an issue where 'Your project is not referencing the 'Mono.Android.Version=v8.1' framework' when AndroidUseLatestPlatformSDK is true.
  • 修复了 Visual Studio for Mac 在特定生成配置中不能识别 AndroidManifest 的问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac does not recognize AndroidManifest in specific build configurations.
  • 修复了打开“报告问题” 对话框时还会显示“安装 JDK”对话框的问题。We fixed an issue where opening the Report A Problem dialog also displays 'Install JDK' dialog.
  • 修复即使临时发布仍显示 Google Play SDK 警告的问题。We fixed an issue where the Google Play SDK warning is shown even when publishing Ad-Hoc.


  • 现可以为不支持矢量图像的图像资产选择 .pdf 文件。It is now possible to choose .pdf files for image assets that do not support vector images.
  • 修复了 Visual Studio for Mac 错误指示 Xamarin.Mac 属性不可用的问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac erroneously indicates that a Xamarin.Mac property is unavailable.
  • 修复了不能为资产目录中的命名颜色选择设备的问题。We fixed an issue where it is not possible to choose devices for named colors in the asset catalog.
  • 修复了启动调试会话时 iOS 模拟器不再在前端显示的问题。We fixed an issue where the iOS simulator is no longer brought to front when starting a debug session.
  • 修复了本机引用不能在 iOS 库项目中工作并且似乎被忽略的问题。We fixed an issue where Native References not working in iOS library projects and appear to be ignored.
  • 修复了删除本机引用不会删除磁盘上的文件的问题。We fixed an issue where deleting a Native Reference does not delete the the file on disk.
  • 修复了调试程序不会连接到任何设备上的键盘扩展的问题。We fixed an issue where the Debugger doesn't connect to a keyboard extension on any device.


  • 修复了 .xib 模板似乎需要添加 customObjectInstantitationMethod='direct' 的问题。We fixed an issue where .xib templates seem to need customObjectInstantitationMethod='direct' added.
  • 修复了在重新打开项目选项时不能完全更改 Xamarin.Mac 的目标框架版本的问题。We fixed an issue where it is not possible to change the target framework version for Xamarin.Mac full on re-opening project options.
  • 修复了 Mac 版本(经典)的项目选项显示不正确 UI 的问题。We fixed an issue where the project options for a Mac build (classic) shows incorrect UI.

代码编辑器Code Editor

  • 修复了代码修复预览窗口太小的问题。We fixed an issue where the code fix preview window is too small.
  • 修复了错误波形曲线不是最新版本的问题。We fixed an issue where error squiggles were not up to date.
  • 修复了编辑器在键入时冻结的问题We fixed an issue where the editor would freeze while typing
  • 修复了更改选项卡后无法搜索文件的问题We fixed an issue where Changing the tab would not allow you to search a file
  • 已修复问题:语句缩进操作不正确。We fixed an issue where Using statement indenting is incorrect.
  • 已修复问题:Roslyn 引发致命异常 (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)。We fixed an issue where Roslyn throws a fatal exception (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException).
  • 已修复问题:多个行的参数格式设置不正确。We fixed an issue where formatting of parameters across multiple lines is incorrect.
  • 修复了构造函数生成器会导致 Visual Studio for Mac 崩溃的问题。We fixed an issue where the constructor generator would cause Visual Studio for Mac to crash.
  • 已修复问题:智能分号功能导致分号放置不正确。We fixed an issue where smart semicolon placement causes incorrect semicolon placement.
  • 解决了启用辅助功能时在大型文件中键入可能会很慢的问题。We fixed an issue where typing can be slow in large files when accessibility is enabled.
  • 修复了尝试使用 VoiceOver 在编辑器内部导航时出现严重错误这一问题。We fixed an issue where a fatal error can occur when trying to navigate inside the editor using VoiceOver.
  • 修复了快速修复边距中的插入符号位置不正确的问题。We fixed an issue where the caret location in quick fix margin is incorrect.
  • 修复了针对大型文件的缩进更正耗用太多时间的性能问题。We fixed a performance issue where indent correcting is taking up too much time on large files.
  • 修复了 Intellisense 软选择令人困惑的问题。We fixed an issue where Intellisense soft-selection is confusing.
  • 修复了 Visual Studio for Mac 无法打开 .targets 文件的问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac can't open .targets files.
  • 修复了在注释已折叠的方法时显示部分更新的问题。We fixed an issue where the display updates partially when commenting a collapsed method.
  • 修复了 C# 语法突出显示并不适用于某些关键字的问题。We fixed an issue where C# syntax highlight doesn't work for some of the keywords.
  • 修复了在 .cs 文件中调用某些来自工具箱的代码片段会导致代码格式不正确的问题。We fixed an issue where invoking some snippets from the toolbox in .cs files leads to poorly formatted code.
  • 修复了在 XAML IntelliSense 中按“向下”来选择关闭标签完成会关闭完成窗口的问题。We fixed an issue where pressing Down to choose the closing tag completion in XAML IntelliSense closes the completion window.
  • 修复了无法打开“修正”文件的问题。We fixed an issue where the file 'redacted' could not be opened.
  • 修复了有时在 XAML 文件中粘贴失败的问题。We fixed an issue where sometimes pasting fails in XAML files.
  • 修复了通过 Intellisense 添加属性时,它不会从名称中修整“属性”的问题。We fixed an issue where, when adding an attribute via Intellisense, it does not trim 'Attribute' from the name.
  • 修复了在孤立箭头键后按 ( 时代码建议执行错误操作的问题。We fixed an issue where code suggestion does the wrong thing when ( is pressed after a stray arrow key.


  • 已修复问题:发生“无法添加包”错误时,Visual Studio for Mac 崩溃。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac crashes after 'Could not add packages' error.
  • NuGet 版本已更新至 4.8。We updated the version of NuGet to 4.8.
  • NuGet 包诊断警告现在显示在“解决方案资源管理器” 中。NuGet package diagnostic warnings are now shown in the Solution Explorer.任何诊断警告都将呈现一个警告图标,并提供警告全文作为工具提示。Any diagnostics warnings will be rendered with a warning icon and the full text of the warning available as a tool tip.
  • 修复了 NuGet 方面的一组问题:We fixed a set of issues with NuGet:
    • 还原不具有稳定版本的 NuGet 包时出现的问题。problem while restoring NuGet packages which don't have stable version.
    • VS4Mac 捆绑包 NuGet 版本太低:4.3.1。The VS4Mac bundle nuget version is too old: 4.3.1.
    • 根据条件使用变量的引用包无法正常工作。Referencing packages conditionally using variable does not work correctly.
    • 引用了多目标框架库的 Xamarin.Forms 应用未能生成。Xamarin.Forms app with multi target framework library referenced fail to build.
    • Visual Studio Mac Csproj 版本不支持项目条件。Visual Studio Mac Csproj build not support Item contidion.
    • 在多目标项目中支持条件性 NuGet 包引用。Support conditional NuGet PackageReferences in multi-targeting projects.
    • 面向多目标时按框架显示依赖项。Show per-framework dependencies when multi-targeting.
    • VS 无法生成 F# dotnet 核心解决方案。VS cannot build F# dotnet core solution.
    • Nuget 还原忽略生成目标。Nuget restore ignore build targets.
    • NuGet 还原错误的 Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 版本。NuGet restores the wrong version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.


  • 修复了在 Mojave 的外部控制台上运行时调试程序失败的问题。We fixed an issue where the debugger would fail when running on an external console on Mojave.

测试工具Test Tools

Mac 版 Microsoft Word

  • 已修复问题:如果名称末尾带句点,xUnit 事实“DisplayName”不会显示在测试资源管理器中。We fixed an issue where xUnit Fact 'DisplayName' not shown in test explorer if the name has a period at the end.
  • 修复了文本编辑器单元测试集成失败(“无法加载单元测试 [name]”)的问题。We fixed an issue where the text editor unit test integration ('Unit test 'name' could not be loaded') would fail.
  • 修复了“测试结果”窗格在显示大量文本时性能不佳的性能问题。We fixed a performance issue where the 'Test Results' pane has bad performance when very large amounts of text are shown.
  • 修复了编辑器中的单元测试集成无法正确触发测试用例的问题。We fixed an issue where the unit test integration in the editor does not properly trigger test cases.
  • 修复了会导致 xunit 无法还原的问题。We fixed an issue that could cause xunit to fail to restore.


  • 已修复问题:粘贴/编写代码时必须手动添加 F# 的 open 语句。We fixed an issue where open statements for F# must be manually added when pasting/writing code.
  • 修复了新的 F# 项目显示 IntelliSense 错误的问题。We fixed an issue where new F# projects shows IntelliSense errors.
  • 修复了有关 F# 项目的问题,其中 Visual Studio for Mac 将项目 GUID 重写为小写而不是大写。We fixed an issue for F# projects where Visual Studio for Mac overwrites the project GUID to be lowercase instead of uppercase.

项目系统Project System

  • 修复了 XAML 文件的复制粘贴操作导致 .xaml 和 .xaml.cs 文件之间解除关联的问题。We fixed an issue where the copy & paste of a XAML file causes a disassociation between the .xaml and .xaml.cs files.
  • 修复了文件被添加到 ItemGroup.Compile(删除)的问题,以及与此相关的问题 - 错误:找不到命名空间类型。We fixed an issue where files are being added to ItemGroup.Compile(Remove) and this related issue - Error type of namespace not found.
  • 修复了使用新库项目创建了无效 C# 文件的问题。We fixed an issue where an invalid C# file is created with a new library project.
  • 修复了无法在“解决方案资源管理器”上下文菜单中通过“新文件.”菜单创建区域性特定的 .resx 文件的问题。We fixed an issue where it is not possible to create a culture specific .resx file through the 'New File .' menu in the Solutions Explorer context menu.

程序集浏览器Assembly Browser

  • 修复了_程序集浏览器_显示错误属性图标的问题。We fixed an issue where the Assembly Browser shows the wrong icon for properties.
  • 修复了System.DayOfWeek枚举 (Wednesday) 似乎未赋值的问题。We fixed an issue where System.DayOfWeek enum (Wednesday) does not appear to be assigned a value.


  • 在此版本中,我们修复了许多辅助功能问题,包括调试程序和创建 iOS 开发人员证书中的几个 VoiceOver 问题,以及 Android SDK 管理器的键盘问题。We fixed a number of accessibility issues in this release, including several VoiceOver issues in the Debugger and in creating iOS developer certificates, and Keyboard issues in the Android SDK Manager.
Mac 版 Microsoft


  • 修复了在取消勾选“整理 Using”>“先放置系统指令”设置时不保存的问题 。We fixed an issue where unchecking the Organize Using > Place System directives first setting does not save.
  • 修复了 Visual Studio for Mac 记不住设置的问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac is not remembering settings.
  • 修复了更新检查可能产生多个登录提示的问题。We fixed an issue where Checking for updates can result in multiple prompts to sign in.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 Studio 2017 for Mac version

发布时间:2019 年 2 月 22 日 released February 22, 2019

  • 我们修复了这样一个问题,即选择两列视图时 Visual Studio for Mac 无响应。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac becomes unresponsive when selecting two column view.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 Studio 2017 for Mac version

发布时间:2019 年 2 月 28 日 released February 28, 2019

  • 我们修复了在 Unity 中调试器功能有时不按预期方式工作的问题。We fixed an issue where Debugger features sometimes don't work as expected with Unity.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 Studio 2017 for Mac version

发布日期:2019 年 3 月 12 日released March 12, 2019

  • 此版本包含一个更新后的 4.8 NuGet 客户端,它转而关闭 NuGet 客户端漏洞。This release contains an updated 4.8 NuGet Client, which in turn closes a NuGet Client vulnerability.
  • 修复了之前无法使用 Git 将现有项目发布到新的远程存储库这一问题。We fixed an issue where Using Git to publish an existing project to a new remote repository was not working.
  • 修复了 Git 远程操作之前在 Visual Studio for Mac 中失败的问题:。We fixed an issue where Git remote operations were failing in Visual Studio for Mac:.
  • 修复了不对 F# 解决方案显示工具提示的问题。We fixed an issue where Tooltips not being shown for F# solutions.
  • 修复了在输入详细信息时“报告问题”对话框对 Visual Studio for Mac 崩溃的问题。We fixed an issue where The Report a Problem dialog crashes Visual Studio for Mac when entering details.
  • 修复了在调试器连接丢失的情况下使用“报告问题”时 Visual Studio for Mac 崩溃的问题。We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac crashes while using Report a Problem if the debugger connection is lost.
  • 修复了在未登录但尝试“报告问题”的情况下会显示两次登录弹出窗口的问题。We fixed an issue where Two sign in popup windows would show if you weren't signed in and tried to Report a Problem.
  • 修复了在使用“报告问题”时导致日志文件中显示“缺少图标”警告的问题。We fixed an issue causing warnings about missing icons to show up in the log files when using Report a Problem.
  • 修复了在生成 Docker Compose 项目后阻止生成消息在“生成输出”窗口中显示的问题。We fixed an issue preventing build messages from displaying in the Build Output window after building Docker Compose projects.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 版本 Studio 2017 for Mac version

发布日期:2019 年 5 月 13 日released May 13, 2019

  • 此版本修复了以下问题:加载第二个解决方案后,Visual Studio for Mac 7.8.3 发生故障[ ]。This release fixes an issue where (Visual Studio for Mac 7.8.3 crashes after loading a second solution)[].


我们期待你的宝贵意见和建议!We would love to hear from you!可通过 Visual Studio for Mac IDE 中的报告问题选项来报告问题,并在开发人员社区门户中跟踪反馈。You can report a problem through the Report a Problem option in the Visual Studio for Mac IDE, and track your feedback in the Developer Community portal.若要提供有关新功能的建议,可使用“推荐新功能” ,且同样可在开发人员社区中进行跟踪。For suggesting new features you can use Suggest a Feature, these are also tracked in the Developer Community.


通过参考开发人员工具博客网站中的见解和建议,随时掌握所有新版本的最新最全资讯,并发表有关大量功能的深入分析帖子。Take advantage of the insights and recommendations available in the Developer Tools Blogs site to keep you up-to-date on all new releases and include deep dive posts on a broad range of features.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 发行说明历史记录Visual Studio 2017 for Mac Release Notes History

可以在发行说明历史记录页面中查看旧版 Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 发行说明。You can view prior versions of Visual Studio 2017 for Mac release notes on the Release notes history page.

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Chromeと同じChromiumベースの新しいMicrosoft Edgeが本日2020年1月16日に利用できるようになりました。

Windows版はWindows Updateでのアップデートが順次適用されていく予定ですが、Windows UpdateのないMac(そもそも旧バージョンのEdgeがないMac)では、手動でインストールする必要があります。



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Mac版App Storeからはインストールできない

MacのApp Storeで「Edge」や「Microsoft Edge」と検索しても、今回の新しいEdgeは見つけることができません。

Mac版Edgeは、Microsoft Edge公式ページからダウンロードしてインストールする必要があります。


まず、新しいMicrosoft Edge公式ページのトップ(、現在英語版のみで日本語版ページなしの模様)を開いて、「DOWNLOAD for Windows 10」の隣にある「V」のマークをクリックします(今回はSafariを利用してアクセスします)。


すると、「Download the new Microsoft Edge」画面が表示され、「MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS」が表示されるので、内容を確認して「Accept and download」をクリックします。



ダウンロードした.pkgファイルをダブルクリックして実行すると、「Microsoft Edgeインストーラ」が起動するので、「続ける」をクリックします。


「インストーラが新しいソフトウェアをインストールしようとしています」と表示されたら、Touch IDやパスワード認証を行います。

すると自動的にインストールが進み、「インストールが完了しました」と表示されたうえで、「Microsoft AutoUpdate」が開き、「必要なデータに関する通知」画面が開くので、内容を確認して「OK」をクリックします(「Microsoft AU Daemonの通知」が表示されたら「許可」をクリックします)。


Finderを開いて「アプリケーション」を選択すると、アプリケーション一覧の中に「Microsoft Edge」という名前の項目が追加されているので、そちらをダブルクリックで開いてください







必要に応じて「許可」もしくは「スキップ」を選択してください。「許可」をタップすると、「Microsoft Edge Helperは、キーチェーン内のChrome Safe Storageに保存されsテイル機密情報を使用しようとしています」と表示されるので、パスワードを入力して「許可」をクリックします。





ここまでの設定が終わるとEdgeが利用できるようになり、「新しいMicrosoft Edgeへようこそ」が表示されます。




Mac 版 Microsoft Account

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